If you thought that people are not capable of becoming a 'tourist attraction', think again. For many years, only natural phenomena and human-made wonders have attracted visitors to a country, but honestly speaking, One Direction are no longer the little musicians you knew, they undoubtedly have the largest fan base compared to other rock stars around the globe. Check out our handpicked One Direction wallpapers below. Also just look through the web-site and find new wallpaper collections.
If you thought that people are not capable of becoming a 'tourist attraction', think again. For many years, only natural phenomena and human-made wonders have attracted visitors to a country, but honestly speaking, One Direction are no longer the little musicians you knew, they undoubtedly have the largest fan base compared to other rock stars around the globe. People travel all over, not to have a glimpse of what Mother Nature has to offer, but to watch this band perform live on stage.
Do you know the reason as to why the boys you see in One Direction wallpapers have a dedicated following? Well, it is because they are handsome, they are ruthlessly candid, have unique hair, give an incredible performance, and above all, they are never too serious with life. Many One Direction fans, however, know very little about them. Here are top guarded secrets about these guys that no one will tell you about:
They are not pranksters in real life. The One Direction Band has a unique style of performing and shooting videos that makes them stand out ahead of the competition. They are undisputed pranksters. They will not complete a video or performance without pulling one or two pranks. This is, however, a stage event and have nothing to do with their real life. Outside the stage, the energetic band member engages a lot in growing their music career, and they say that the pranks they do are meant to attract the crowds, and earn themselves a following. They have succeeded in this mission.
They have a book in their name. Unbelievable, right? How can guys who are never serious write a book? Well, they released a book at the end of 2012, and it is still on the best sellers list in the New York Times. The book is aimed at informing and educating children aged between the ages of 6 to 12.
Natalie Imbruglia’s song dubbed 'Torn’ is what brought them to fame. The band owes their fame to this song that made them standout in 2010 during the X-factor series. Although they did not win, this is the song they say propelled them to greatness. They energetically and unapologetically moved the crowds watching this reality show, thanks to their acoustic power, and the manner in which they harmonized this song that was a big deal in the 90s.
They strive to do things that will make them feel like normal human beings. One Direction band is always busy, traveling all across the continents, doing numerous performances to their eager fans. This busy schedule makes them feel "abnormal," and they sometimes strive to engage in activities that will make them feel as though they are still part of the wider ideal society, such as watching soccer and going to other musicians' concerts.
They love it when fans do crazy things. These guys you see in One Direction wallpapers love doing crazy things to entertain their fans, and they love it when fans reciprocate. They say that when they perform, the goal is not to earn millions of bucks in a night but to make millions of smiles and sheer fun for their ever-loyal followers.
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Windows 1. First, find the perfect wallpaper for your PC. 2.Just below the image, you’ll notice a
that says “Free Download.” Just below that text is your screen’s resolution (don’t worry, we calculated
that part for you.) 3.Click the button, and you’ll notice the image save to your browser. 4.Navigate to
that image on your computer (it will probably be in your “downloads” folder) 5.Right-click the image in
the folder and click “Set as desktop background.” 6.Enjoy your new wallpaper!
Mac 1. Download your favourite wallpaper clicking on the blue download button below the
wallpaper. 2. In
this order, click Apple Menu > System Preferences > Desktop & Screen Saver > Desktop 3. Now find the
image you want to use. Here you’ll want to select your own, so you’ll select the location your new image
downloaded. 4. Click on the photo. 5. Exit back to your desktop and see what it looks like!
iPhone/iPad 1. Find an image you like on wallpapertag.com and click on the blue download button
below an
image. 2. Tap on an image and hold on a few seconds. Choose “save image” from the list below. 3.
Navigate to the “Photos” app and find the image you want as your background. 5. Use the share button
(the one that looks like a box with an arrow coming out of it). 6. Select the “Use as a Wallpaper”
button 7. Here you can arrange the picture how you want it, then tap “set.” 8. Next you can select
whether you want this image to be set as the background of your lock screen, home screen or both. 9.
Navigate back to your home screen and take a look at your new wallpaper.
Android 1. Search for a wallpaper you like on wallpapertag.com and download it clicking on the blue
download button below the wallpaper. 2. Open your gallery/photos app and click on the “download” folder.
3. The first image you see here should be the image you downloaded. 4. Click on the image and in the top
right corner, click the menu button (three vertical dots). 5. In the drop down menu, click “Set as
wallpaper.” 6. You’ll then be prompted to select whether you want to set the image as the background of
your home screen, lock screen or both. 7. You’ll then be able to move the image to how you like. When
you’re satisfied, press “set as wallpaper.” 8.Go back to your home screen and enjoy your new wallpaper!